This form is used to provide feedback on the Alaska icing algorithm output and how
it compares with the forecaster's view of the icing situation.

Forecaster Name:

Forecaster E-mail:

Algorithm/Model Run
Initialization Time: UTC
Forecast Length:

AIRMET Issued? Yes No
SIGMET Issued? Yes No

Algorithm Icing Base:
Algorithm Icing Top:
Algorithm Icing Likelihood:
Algorithm Icing Severity:

Forecast Icing Base:
Forecast Icing Top:
Forecast Icing Likelihood:
Forecast Icing Severity:


Upload up to 5 files

Arctic Coast
North Slope of Brooks Range
Upper Yukon Valley
Koyukuk and Upper Kobuk Valley
Northern Seward Peninsula and the Lower Kobuk Valley
Southern Seward Peninsula and Eastern Norton Sound
Tanana Valley
Lower Yukon Valley
Kuskokwim Valley
Yukon and Kuskokwim Delta
Bristol Bay
Lynn Canal and Glacier Bay
Central Southeast Alaska
Southern Southeast Alaska
Coastal Southeast Alaska
Eastern Gulf Coast
Copper River Basin
Cook Inlet and Susitna Valley
Central Gulf Coast
Kodiak Island
Alaska Peninsula
Unimak Pass to Adak
St. Lawrence Island and the Western Norton Sound
Adak to Attu
Pribilof Islands and the Southeast Bering Sea